Legal Notice

Istanbul Chauffeurs is the owner of this transfer services website. Guests and users who visit our website must agree with our terms and conditions listed below for all the uses and purposes.

The contents and materials in our website have been prepared to provide details about the services offered by us in the general sense that doesn’t involve anything like recommendations, directions or reviews for our users. Istanbul Chauffeur does not hold the responsibility for any kind of transactions effected in accordance with the information that is published on this website. We are not liable for any of the damages or losses that arise due to the inability to access the website. The user is the sole person responsible for any of their decisions that they have made based on the information or points that is portrayed in the website.

The website’s information, the documents described, trademarks, images, logos, promotional videos, clippings from newspaper and media or any other issues related to it are all for the purpose of providing information and thus the reproduction or distribution of the content, loading or printing and publishing and any other way of utilization may not be encouraged for commercial purposes.

The main objective of our website is to make sure that all the information that is set forth is legitimate and clear with the exception of certain errors like typographical errors and statements. Hence we intend to keep the information in the website frequently updated accurately and quickly as possible complying with the current changes. Thus enabling the users to be informed and keep them updated with the current changes that occur in the information of the website. Also at times there may be some delays in accessing the website or the content updates which is due to some technical reasons or issues caused by third parties. In any such cases, our company may not be responsible for any possible damages or losses incurred.

Also Istanbul Chauffeurs are completely entitled to make modifications or changes to its services, terms and conditions of the website and also to its operation of service utilization, the contents and information in the website, the text of the legal notice, etc. and also holds the right to remove any of its content, the documents, logos or any other information in the site without any prior notice to its users. All the users who wish to continue using our website must be deemed to have agreed to all such changes.

Violating any rules and regulations of the website, or causing any damage or loss to the terms and conditions, or non-agreement with any provisions of the Legal Notice, not abiding with the legal policies of the website and all the similar acts shall make the user the sole person who is responsible for them.

When the users click on any link provided in the website, all the information that is accessed by the user through that link solely belongs to the provider of the link through which the connection has been made and we are in no way responsible or related to the content provided in that link. The other third party sites that are accessed every time by the users through their links which are only displayed in our website correspond to the terms and conditions of those sites. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or contents provided in those sites as the terms and conditions of our sites are in no way applicable to those third party sites. It is completely up to the user’s choice to use those links and he/ she is assumed to have agreed that they are the sole person responsible for any issues that may arise or damages incurred by accessing the information displayed in the websites through their links.

Under the circumstances where any of the users obtain any services from the third party sites through the links given in our site, it is those third party sites that shall wholly bear the responsibility that lies with them for their information and this has no regard to whether they are contracted with our company or not. As the users click on those links, they agree to leave our website and access other third party sites and hence we bear no responsibility for those services that are rendered by the third party web pages or companies.